Work experience: 23 years
- Odessa State Medical University
Areas of professional development:
- Specialties: therapeutics (general practice), cardiology, rheumatology, gastroenterology;
- Clinical residency for therapy based on the department of acute myocardial infarction;
- Advanced thematic training on echocardiography - 2 times / National Scientific Center M.D. Strazhesko Institute of Cardiology and Ammosov Scientific Research Institute;
- Advanced thematic training on dopplerography of the carotid arteries;
- Advanced thematic training on cardiological pathology in pregnant women;
- Advanced thematic training on disaster medicine (2 weeks);
- Foreign experience: management of patients according to the principles of evidence-based medicine; work exclusively in compliance with the recommendations / guidelines of the European / American Society for Cardiology, Gastroenterology and Rheumatology.
- “Thanks to my own efforts, I develop my professional skills, i.e. I read new translated books, medical sites. 30 days a year I attend advanced thematic trainings based on Shupik National Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education. I study online.”
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- internal medicine and functional diagnostics in cardiology and ultrasonography;
- cardiology and diagnostics in cardiology;
- gastroenterology;
- rheumatology;
- ECG;
- bicycle ergometry;
- medical ECG tests;
- Echocardiography;
- duplex scanning of the neck vessels;
- blockade of trigger points in case of myofascial pain syndrome.
- “On the opinion of real experts in the medical industry, a good doctor is a doctor who applies in practice only evidence-based methods.”
- “I always try to explain to patients the cause-effect relations in their problem and remind them that their health is their responsibility. No matter how tritely it sounds, a healthy lifestyle is the best remedy against all diseases.”
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- psychiatry;
- medical psychology;
- neurology.
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- “In my free time I enjoy trekking, hiking, backpacking, MTV-cross country and self-coaching.”