Children with special needs need a special approach to their socialization and overcoming crisis situations. Such work is performed by a special psychologist. Its task is to diagnose, determine at what stage of development the child is and what skills he lacks for effective socialization and integration into the children's team. After that, the doctor develops an individual lesson plan with the child to correct his behavior and acquire important skills.
The decision on the need to visit a special psychologist is made collectively by a group of doctors in the field of "Childhood Special Development". Usually a visit to a special psychologist is part of a comprehensive program of rehabilitation and habilitation of children with special needs.
The Dobrobut Medical Network created comfortable conditions for carrying out exact diagnostics by means of modern techniques.
After passing the tests, the specialist identifies problems that require correction and makes the individual lesson plan.
After passing the tests, the specialist identifies the problems that require correction and draws up an individual lesson plan.
In the Dobrobut Medical Network, our specialists use modern methods of rehabilitation and habilitation of children with special needs, which are used in many countries around the world.
The main task of special psychology is to teach a child to build relationships with others, as well as to train essential life skills so that a child could integrate as effectively as possible into children's groups and receive training. Rehabilitation and habilitation of children with special developmental features is a long way, in which several specialists work inseparably, including a pediatrician, a neurologist, a speech therapist, and a child's parents.
The treatment stipulates family counseling to build a relationship between parents and a child with special developmental features and their involvement in the process of socialization and adaptation of the child.