X-ray endovascular surgery is a scientific advancement in medicine, a technique of intervention in the human body through the vessel wall.
Endovascular surgery opens up great opportunities for assessing vasculature condition and blood flow in any organ of the human body.
The technique itself is as follows:
The modern low-dose angiograph allows to receive the coherent picture of vessel construction in the body by means of radiation and to reveal pathologies. The procedure is less traumatic and minimally invasive, and is performed under local anesthesia that reduces the duration of hospitalization and provides for a rapid rehabilitation of the patient.
Endovascular surgery significantly accelerates recovery and rehabilitation, reduces the risks and complications after surgeries, makes it possible to operate on patients with severe comorbidities and contraindications to open surgical interventions.
Vascular system allows for diagnosing and surgically correcting pathologies of any organ, and the X-ray machine, i.e. the angiograph, allows to control the operation of surgical instruments with high accuracy and obtain the long-lasting therapeutic effect.