Specialist consultation may be needed even if you have symptoms of a seasonal cold or respiratory illness caused by a virus. But not only inflammation in the acute form is diagnosed and treated by an otolaryngologist.
You should consult with an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor) to clarify or refute the diagnosis, if you have a diagnosis of:
acute rhinosinusitis;
odontogenic sinusitis;
polyposis rhinosinusitis;
acute tonsillitis;
chronic tonsillitis;
acute pharyngitis;
acute laryngitis;
acute epiglottitis;
otitis externa, otomycosis;
acute otitis media;
chronic otitis media.
ENT injuries;
neoplasms of the ENT organs;
foreign bodies in ENT organs;
boils of the nose, external auditory canal;
allergic rhinitis;
vasomotor rhinitis;
diseases of the inner ear;
curvature of the nasal septum;
paratonsillar, pharyngeal abscess;
ethmoiditis, sphenoiditis, frontitis;
acute sensorineural hearing loss;
perforation of the eardrum.
Symptoms, which may indicate that you need to consult an otolaryngologist, include: