Sclerotherapy is one of the most effective, non-surgical methods for removing vascular "stars" (telangiectasias) and treating local varicose veins on the legs. Its essence is the introduction of a specific drug into the lumen of the vessel - it first glues its walls, then is resorbed, the lumen in the vein disappears, its tightly compressed walls grow faster, forming a fibrous cord. Blood flow is distributed to other veins, and the sclerosed vein gradually thins and disappears. Sclerotherapy is performed both for the removal of vascular "stars" (telangiectasias) and for sclerosis of large varicose veins, the procedure is also indicated for progressive haemorrhoids.
Regardless of whether sclerotherapy of the vessels of the legs or other parts of the body will be performed, the patient must follow the rules in preparation:
If the patient is constantly taking hormonal drugs (such as anti-inflammatory drugs), he should inform the doctor - they may need to be cancelled.
Foam-form sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive manipulation that allows you to get rid of varicose veins and vascular "stars" (telangiectasia). The procedure has several advantages - this is because, after a micro-puncture in the skin, the foamy form of sclerosant is injected directly into the varicose vein. The cavity of a varicose vein is instantly filled with foam bubbles, and displaces stagnant blood from the vein, after which the walls of the vein "stick together". Thus, the "sick" vein ceases to function, is replaced by connective tissue and disappears within a few months. The foam is a mixture of sclerosing substance and air in a ratio of 1 to 4. The sclerotherapy procedure is performed on an outpatient basis for 15-20 minutes and leaves no cosmetic marks on the skin.
Microsclerotherapy is a complete outpatient, almost painless procedure that allows you to deal with vascular "stars" and the tributaries that feed them - reticular veins. If you look closely at the vascular "stars" (telangiectasias), you will see a very rich palette of colours. Microsclerotherapy allows you to eliminate the blue component and make the reddish branches less noticeable. The procedure is performed using special ultra-thin needles and syringes with a "gentle" stroke of the piston. Each injection of the drug is carefully monitored by transilluminescence and a special device for more complete visualization, which guarantees a good result and painlessness.
Echosclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the intravenous administration of sclerosant under targeted ultrasound control. Echosclerotherapy is one of the most effective "non-surgical" methods of removing varicose veins, recognized by leading phlebological clinics in Europe and America. Thanks to ultrasonic control, the most exact introduction of the necessary volume of a sclerosant and distribution of "it" on all length of a varicose vein is reached. Echosclerotherapy is mainly used for the obliteration of the main subcutaneous and perforating veins. The number of injections and the required volume of sclerosant depends on the characteristics of the venous tract and is determined by a phlebologist after a comprehensive examination. It may take 1 to 6 sessions depending on the case. As a result of echosclerotherapy, an excellent therapeutic effect is achieved, which is assessed immediately after the procedure by ultrasound.
Transillumination sclerotherapy is a painless procedure performed for vascular "asterisks" and locally altered veins, thanks to the use of a special device - a transilluminator. The procedure eliminates the source of the problem. The device illuminates the vein absolutely accurately identifying all affected areas. It is often impossible to identify small feeding branches. However, only these feeding veins are of paramount importance for safe and reliable sclerosing of veins. Foreign studies show that in most cases, vascular "stars" are filled from one or more feeding branches. Only when they are detected and closed during the procedure, you can expect a good long-term result. If the feeding veins are not found, the vascular network will probably reappear. Sclerosis of the source of the problem leads to the disappearance of the entire "star". Also, the procedure allows you to close the segment of the venous "star" from root to end, preventing recurrence.
How does a special device - a transilluminator? During treatment, the ring of light is gently pressed against the skin, the radiant light penetrates the epidermis and is reflected in the deeper layers of the skin. Thus, we get a completely different kind of venous pattern, there is a complete picture of problem areas. During the injection, the flow of the sclerosant is clearly visible in the translucent area, which improves the quality of the procedure.
Rehabilitation after Sclerotherapy allows a person to lead a normal life and not interrupt work. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, a course of 1-5 procedures of drug administration is carried out, sessions are performed with a break of 5-7 days. Complications of Sclerotherapy of the veins of the lower extremities are diagnosed very rarely and are usually associated with a violation of the technique - for example if the drug is injected not into a vein, but into soft tissues, the development of necrosis is possible.